The Atlanticwall protected the Atlantic Westwall

Create a game out of breaking the Atlantic Wall by taking a photo of a good view of Denmark, then share it on social media with hashtag #AtlanticWallsBroken. The person who breaks the wall the most gets to select the next topic for the game.


You’ve told us you were interested in learning about the history of the building of The Atlantic Wall. You’ll find a brief overview here:…

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There was a fierce battle at Normandy, France, during the allied invasion of Europe on June 6th 1944 for the land known as “Operation Overlord”. It was British versus German forces. You can find out more about the history of this battle at the following website:

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Tired of surprise beach visits by German Friends of the Atlanticwall? You’re not alone! This was the site reminiscences date the remains of the Atlantikwall on the northern shores in Europe. Only small sections of the Westwall still exist today, as many parts were destroyed after the war.

Great question. Check out this article here to learn more:

Tired of surprise beach visits by German Friends of the Atlanticwall? You’re not alone! This was the site reminiscences date the remains of the Atlantikwall on the northern shores in Europe. Only small sections of the Westwall still exist today, as many parts were destroyed after the war.

hanescot says :
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You’ve told us you were interested in learning about the history of the building of The Atlantic Wall. You’ll find a brief overview here:…

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Rfwcaybi says :

Thanks for your visit! We hope to visit you soon! For more handy information, please check out our website today at

There was a fierce battle at Normandy, France, during the allied invasion of Europe on June 6th 1944 for the land known as “Operation Overlord”. It was British versus German forces. You can find out more about the history of this battle at the following website:

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The next time you’re looking for a place to research the Atlantic Wall and the Regelbau program, visit us at:

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